[Nottingham] Re: NTL Nottingham cable broadband changes?

James Gibbon jg at jamesgibbon.com
Sat Apr 8 02:24:18 BST 2006

On Fri, 7 Apr 2006 17:58:06 +0100
Jim <JimTheBad at ntlworld.com> wrote:

> No, it's far worse: massive packet loss, DNS errors and complete loss of 
> connection for long periods. When it does work it's worse than dial-up. 
> Anybody else getting this? I can see a long phone call to NTL tommorrow. :(

I have noticed one odd thing with my NTL connection: the SYNC light on
my modem went off about two weeks ago. It's still off, yet I haven't
noticed the slightest loss of service .. the only slight oddity is that,
according to its log, my router reconnected at about midnight on March
21st, and was assigned a private IP address .. it reconnected again 7
minutes later and picked up the previous IP address again this time.


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