[Nottingham] Web application development frameworks; Rails vs. Django vs ???

Joshua Lock incandescant at gmail.com
Tue Apr 11 18:55:10 BST 2006

On 11 Apr 2006, at 18:04, Dean Sas wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Joshua Lock wrote:
>> Afternoon gang,
>> I'm looking to develop a web application. This application will be  
>> quite
>> complex so I'm looking to use one of the trendy web application
>> development frameworks to ease the pain (and add to my skill set).
>> I'm writing to the list to ask advice, and seek recommendations on  
>> which
>> framework to use.
>> I've heard of Rails[1] and Django[2] which I am led to believe are  
>> quite
>> similar. However I have no preference over these as I have not  
>> used Ruby
>> or Python before.
>> Also I'm not sure what else is out there; there must be similar  
>> efforts
>> for PHP, Perl, etc?
> I looked into this a while ago for PHP, there seemed to be a few
> projects 'in the works', but nothing with as much polish as rails has,
> and I'm led to believe django has. I'd recommend Rails as there's far
> more documentation (or was last time I checked), plus some good  
> books on
> it. I've not used rails for anything worth while though, or tried  
> any of
> the others, so take my opinion with a hint of salt.
> Dean

Thanks Dean,

I'm currently leading towards Rails for some of the points you  
mentioned (mainly documentation) but also due to the fact that  
there's a cheap, reliable web host that now offers Rails support. And  
the group I'm developing for just so happen to use said host! :)

Anyone want to convince me otherwise?



Joshua Lock
incandescant at googlemail.com

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