[Nottingham] Tux Magazine - good for new users + #nlug

Martin Garton martin at stupids.org
Fri Feb 3 18:57:10 GMT 2006

> WRT #nlug: I got operator status! There was some discussion on Wednesday about 
> seemingly permanent #nlug residents. Unless I'm in the wrong place, I'm the 
> only person in there and I'm therefore chanop! I'm on...
> unununium.oftc.net[], running version hybrid-7.1+oftc1.4.0

Hmm. Something funny is going on. I'm on via:
"keid.oftc.net[], running version hybrid-7.1
and there are five of us on there. Nobody has operator stautus.

How long have you been on there?  Perhaps a prolonged netsplit is going


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