[Nottingham] **TOMORROW** Weds 5th July 2006 - Social - No. 1 Oriental Buffet

ForkBombFluf fluf at freeshell.org
Wed Jul 5 20:55:33 BST 2006

On Wed, 5 Jul 2006, Martin wrote:

> Andrew Beale wrote:
>> Damn Would have liked to have made this one.  But Cousin is coming
>> around with poorly Windows ME (Spit) Machine.
> Oh, that's very easy. I've got some Ubuntu disks that I can bring along.
> You can come to the meal, enjoy some gossip and a beer, head back with
> Ubuntu, and /still/ get back in time to upgrade your Cousin quicker than
> WinME unties half it's knottiness... It would likely still be running a
> reg-check and just about to start a defrag just as you returned...

Is that really you, Martin, or is it an AI Autoresponder you've set up??? 
I mean, that response was so predictable that Ladbrokes wouldn't even let 
me put a bet on it! ;-)

Off to the freezer for some ice cream. Shame we missed the networking 
talk, would have enjoyed that!  See you next time (hopefully),


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