[Nottingham] ***TODAY*** Weds 21st June - meeting

Dean Sas dean at deansas.org
Thu Jun 22 12:17:06 BST 2006

Hash: SHA1

Michael Simms wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-06-22 at 11:48 +0100, Martin Garton wrote:
>> On Thu, 2006-06-22 at 10:20 +0100, Michael Erskine wrote:
>>> On another note: please refrain from top-posting - it's hurting my 
>>> sensibilities! (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Top_posting)
>> Ah. Is this a follow-up to the comments last night about starting
>> flamefests on the list?  :)
>> (that said, I agree with you about top posting)
> Personally I completely disagree. Adding information to the end is a
> holdover from pen and paper when you added information afterwards
> because you had no other choice... move with the times people {:-)

And adding new text in the middle of old text is one of the advances
computers have brought us.

> A reply at the top is easier to read in almost all circumstances cos you
> don't have to scroll down to get it. You know what its about because you
> have the title of the email and you've read its thread. Its also easier
> to write as almost all mail composers start your cursor at the top.

None of the good mailers do. I thought it was just Outlook that did that?

> Jumping on a new member for something like that makes us look like a
> group of completely anal anoraks, which probably doesn't do our image
> much of a favour.

How do people learn then? I hardly think Michaels response was harsh.

*goes off to mumble about reply-to munging, the superiority of vi over
emacs and the correct pronunciation of "linux"* ;)

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