[Nottingham] Evolution Fonts

Michael Leuty mike at leuty.net
Tue Jun 27 01:08:29 BST 2006

On 26/06/06, Hazel Windle <hazel at hazeldle.wanadoo.co.uk> wrote:
> Thankyou for all the nice replys. I use Suse Linux now but I've tried
> out Debian, Ubuntu, Mandriva and many other distros before. Does any one
> know how to make the viewing font bigger in Evolution? I've tried
> fiddling about in the menus and such but I can't find anything to make
> the text bigger.

Edit - Preferences - Mail preferences - General tab.

> Does anyone else use Linux for multimedia type things
> like watching DVD's or playing music?

Yep. The Automatix script makes it a doddle to set all that up in Ubuntu.

For SUSE take a look at

Two other helpful SUSE links


Michael Leuty
Nottingham, UK

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