[Nottingham] A call for help from Mac OS X users

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Thu Mar 2 15:48:16 GMT 2006

Karl Ryan wrote:
> The DB-15 to VGA applies to old Mac such as Power Macintosh G3 and older.
> Newer Macs will have either an ADC (Power Macintosh G4) or a DVI connection
> (Power Macintosh G5, PowerBook G4 etc.) for which Apple sells the adapters
> unless you're using an older PowerBook or iBook with a mini-VGA port of
> which Apple also supplies the appropriate leads. If you're buying a new
> machine then Apple supplies the appropriate adapters for using a PC-style
> VGA lead in the box.

The machine I have here is an old LC475. That one must qualify for the 
DB-15 connection!

Any laying around unused?...


Martin Lomas
martin at ml1.co.uk

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