[Nottingham] Problems compiling - libstdc++

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Sun May 21 18:45:00 BST 2006

Peter Aldred wrote:
> Hi there,
> I've been having a problem compiling and was hoping someone might be able to 
> throw some pointers my way!
> I'm trying to compile the latest version of Amarok (I haven't been able to 
> find a working rpm yet) and while installing some dependencies from cooker 
> (not yet available in stable) I must have somehow borked my gcc.
> [root at peter amarok-1.4.0]# rpm -qa | grep gcc
> gcc-c++-4.1.1-1mdk
> gcc-4.1.1-1mdk
> gcc-cpp-4.1.1-1mdk
> libgcc1-4.1.1-1mdk
> System: Mandriva 2006, KDE 3.5.2
> Any help or pointers much appreciated!

MMmmm, how come you're already up on gcc 4.1.1?

For the same system I get:


Just about to upgrade to 4.0.3 for the bug fixes from the tarball. (And
then sometime later a kernal source compile to see if the latest AGP
fixes fix the screen saver crashing Xorg on me...)

Good luck,

Martin Lomas
martin at ml1.co.uk

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