[Nottingham] Which programming language (RE: O'Reilly Books)

Roger Light roger at atchoo.org
Thu Aug 2 00:34:13 BST 2007

On Wed, Aug 01, 2007 at 11:48:44PM +0100, Rennacker Ed wrote:

> Which programming languages do the members here use and why? I 
> am curious, you know, like:
> I use PHP because I have web sites or I use Oracle, because my mother 
> did or I use Java because I do development work.

I use php for websites because I'm familiar with it, perl for irssi
scripts because that's the language to write them in, vhdl at work
because I have to / because it's what I need to use, a lisp-alike
because it's the glue / scripting language with the proprietry software
we use.

I also use C predominantly for most things I write* because that's
essentially what I'm most familar with and is most well supported in

*apart from when it's simple enough to use shell scripting of some sort
or other!



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