[Nottingham] Firewall and port issue

gadget.pat gadget.pat at ntlworld.com
Tue Aug 21 15:13:10 BST 2007

Peter Chang wrote:
> On Tue, 21 Aug 2007, gadget.pat wrote:
> [...]
>> Setup info (example settings only for obviuos reasons)
> [...]
>> Suse box - At present only the IP address is setup as I 
>> don't know what ports to open for apache to serve it's data. This 
>> setup works ONLY from within my LAN. This is where I feel the issue 
>> is. Is there default ports that apache uses? The data would be jpg 
>> frames but I'm pretty certain it is not a ZM issue but rather a port 
>> issue not allowing me to reach the server.
> Looking very briefly at ZM, it is just a web app that uses PHP and MySQL 
> much like MythTV. So you need to set your router to forward port 80 to 
> your SuSE box and make sure that your apache config (on Fedora, they 
> reside in /etc/httpd/) allows you to serve external IP addresses.
> I assume you have some dynamic DNS setup to be able to resolve your home 
> IP address...
> Peter

Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!!!

The main issue is now solved. I now can get the console screen up from 
outside of my LAN.

In answer to your question peter, I the answer is yes to the Dynamic DNS 

The problem WAS a port issue. While looking through the httpd.conf file, 
there was a reference to listen.conf. After looking in there and 
inputting the correct IP address to listen for, I now have access the 
console (if not the images). But I can deal with the permission issue 
when I get home after work.

The main reason I had not looked IN apache was because all the info from 
the ZM forums said you didnt have to change anything in the apache 
setup. You DO if you don't use port 80 for the port forwarding. Port 80 
is used by my router which I need to change but was on my todo list. I 
am thinking of adding this solution to the ZM forums, as alot of people 
have had problems connecting outside of their LAN but no one has mention 
about the listen.conf in the apache SW. It might save someone else from 
weeks of fruitless searching.

Anyway, NOTTSLUG members save the day again. Thanks for your help and 
being patient with me peter and james. As I said, it just took some new 
eyes to point me in the right dircetion.


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