[Nottingham] SanDisk

Ron Wilton ron_w_add at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Aug 30 09:48:49 BST 2007

Hi James

Here's the transcript:-

ron at ron-desktop:~$ cat /proc/scsi/usb-storage/0
Host scsi0: usb-storage
Vendor: SanDisk
Product: ImageMate 14 in 1 Reader/Writer
Serial Number: 0000000000
Protocol: Transparent SCSI
Transport: Bulk

There was only the one file in this directory.



James Gibbon <jg at jamesgibbon.com> wrote: Ron,

You should find that a file appears, probably with a single-digit
filename, in /proc/scsi/usb-storage when the card reader is attached.

Can you cat the file, and transcribe the output here? Like this -

sauce:~> cat /proc/scsi/usb-storage/2 
   Host scsi2: usb-storage
      Product: USB Reader
Serial Number: 2004888
     Protocol: Transparent SCSI
    Transport: Bulk

You may find that there's more than one file in there, in which case
please just transcribe both. Thanks!


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