[Nottingham] Java recommendations

Michael Erskine msemtd at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Dec 20 14:44:03 GMT 2007

On Thursday 20 December 2007 11:24:45 Duncan John Fyfe wrote:
> I'm going to have to go from zilch to Java expert over the next few
> months.  Can any Java wizz's out there recommended any Java resources
> (online or otherwise) to help ?
Well, I'd recommend the use of: - 
* Eclipse IDE for development and debugging
* JMX interfaces and JConsole for remote/local performance monitoring
* Jakarta Commons libraries for most common tasks
* log4j (always!)
* XMLBeans for XML manipulation
* StAX for XML processing/streaming
* RXTX for serial interfaces
* JUnit for unit testing

you should be able to Wikipedia all of them for details.

Michael Erskine.

I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas.  I'm frightened
of the old ones.
		-- John Cage
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