[Nottingham] anyone interested in getting some free books?

Godfrey Nix godfrey at gnnix.co.uk
Sat Feb 24 17:11:01 GMT 2007

Admittedly, they are not latest versions, but just in case anyone is
interested before I send them to be pulped, I offer them (make a
donation to the charity of your choice) -

O'Reilly  DNS and Bind   2nd Ed
O'Reilly  Sendmail       2nd Ed
McGrawHill   Administering Apache   (deals with version 1.3)
New Riders   Linux Firewalls
New Riders   Network Intrusion Detection

Can still be useful to anyone involved in systems admin., which I an no
longer working in.

Godfrey Nix <godfrey at gnnix.co.uk>

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