[Nottingham] sysadmin opening

NLUG nlug at domainarena.net
Tue Jul 17 00:02:52 BST 2007

> On Mon, 2007-07-16 at 12:33 +0100, Dale Einarson wrote:
>> Hello all,
>>   There is a possibility of an opening in my lab coming soon for a
>> mac/linux admin.
>>   We have about 20 mac desktops, 8 kubuntu amd64 (COW) ( a 7 node xserve
>> cluster ).  The person would be responsible for Intranet, backups and
>> user support for the students/staff.
>> If you don't already know you will get to know...
>>    Matlab,SGE, XGrid, MySQL, php, perl, python, bash MS Office and MRI
>> processing software.
>>    If anyone is interested let me know and I will give you more
>> information about the post.
>> Cheers!
>> dale

I'd like to hear a bit more about that position too if you don't mind.
Not necessarily for me but i know someone who might be interested.

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