[Nottingham] Trouble with Feisty Fawn - can anyone help?

Graeme Fowler graeme at graemef.net
Wed Nov 28 23:40:42 GMT 2007

On Wed, 2007-11-28 at 11:37 -0800, Bob Marshall wrote:
> fsck died with exit status 4

The exit code returned by fsck is the sum of the following conditions:
    0    - No errors
    1    - File system errors corrected
    2    - System should be rebooted
    4    - File system errors left uncorrected
    8    - Operational error
    16   - Usage or syntax error
    32   - Fsck canceled by user request
    128  - Shared library error

So yours is 4, which means maintenance or rescue mode should fix it.
When it says "Enter root password for maintenance mode" (or whatever
Ubuntu says), try the following:

fsck -C -y /dev/sdb1

Do this until it exits with no errors or fixing whatsoever, hit CTRL-D
and wait for the system to reboot. It *should* - but might not - fix it.

Alternatively, if you can get to it from a rescue CD, do the same thing


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