[Nottingham] Next event?

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Sat Apr 19 18:22:13 BST 2008


Welcome to the group.

> Just out of interest I was wondering if the next event/meetup had been
> planned (I just checked the site but nothing is posted on there so far),
> I was unfortunate enough to be working late last night so I missed that
> one which is a shame considering it was going to be my first time.

Well, you missed a good talk :-p

Much thanks to Marcel and Steve for their very good eee-duet.

We're often rather 'spontaneous' with each event. We usually keep to a
social and a talk each month. Sometimes beers or something else can get
added into the alternating weeks also.

Stay tuned to the maillist!

You're also encouraged to add your suggestions. We try to follow the
"Open Source" ideal as far as possible.

Next event I'm 'organising' (loosely) if beers ever need 'organising'
that is:

Last Post Beeston Beers this Wednesday 23/04/2008, 21:30 onwards.

We might even have a Blue Moon Beers somewhere else the following
Wednesday (30/04/2008), anyone?

We have a foodie social Wednesday 07/05/2008, I favour a Capoci special!

For the next "talk", we're thinking of an "install It!" evening for
people to bring along whatever they wish to then share installing or
tweaking whatever might not dared be touched! Very much a 'hands-on'

I may well be showing off some USB tricks from recent discussions...

Should be good!


Martin Lomas
martin at ml1.co.uk

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