[Nottingham] Next Navigation Talk (21st Aug) Cancelled

Michael Erskine msemtd at googlemail.com
Thu Aug 14 13:53:28 UTC 2008

Sorry folks but due to prior commitments I won't be able to give a
talk on Thurs 21st Aug.

I was planning to present something thrown together about open source
Java IDEs (namely NetBeans and Eclipse) and an introduction to
developing nice desktop applications in Java. 'll reschedule it for
after Dr Nick's talk.

If people still want to get together at the Navigation (or anywhere
else) then feel free to arrange it here on the list.

The web servers at lug.org.uk are still unavailable for hosting our
site :(  -- I think we can declare the NLUG summer programme to be
somewhat "rained off" and some of that is my fault - sorry people.

I will strive to pull things back together!

Michael Erskine.

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