[Nottingham] HOT Dating one-liner contest

Matthew Sackman matthew at sackman.co.uk
Mon Jan 14 17:52:33 GMT 2008

Ok, I bit. First Wednesdays are:

> import Data.Time
> import System.Locale
> import Data.List

> wednesdays :: [Day]
> wednesdays = filter ((==) "Wednesday" . formatTime dtl "%A")
>              [fromGregorian 2008 m d | m <- [1..12],
>                                        d <- [1..7]
>              ]
>   where
>     dtl = defaultTimeLocale

3rd Thursdays after the Wednesday are utterly obvious:

> thursdays :: [Day]
> thursdays = map (addDays 15) wednesdays

And because this is a sane language, we can just combine them, sort them
and format them nicely.

> displayDaysSorted :: IO ()
> displayDaysSorted
>     = mapM_ putStrLn
>       . map (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%A the %e of %B, %Y")
>       . sort
>       $ wednesdays ++ thursdays

And yes, this is a Literate Haskell program so just copy and paste this
email into a file.lhs and ghci it.

Same number of lines of code as the Perl version and we actually have
some sort of guarantee running it won't cause the Moon to crash...

*Main> displayDaysSorted 
Wednesday the  2 of January, 2008
Thursday the 17 of January, 2008
Wednesday the  6 of February, 2008
Thursday the 21 of February, 2008
Wednesday the  5 of March, 2008
Thursday the 20 of March, 2008
Wednesday the  2 of April, 2008
Thursday the 17 of April, 2008
Wednesday the  7 of May, 2008
Thursday the 22 of May, 2008
Wednesday the  4 of June, 2008
Thursday the 19 of June, 2008
Wednesday the  2 of July, 2008
Thursday the 17 of July, 2008
Wednesday the  6 of August, 2008
Thursday the 21 of August, 2008
Wednesday the  3 of September, 2008
Thursday the 18 of September, 2008
Wednesday the  1 of October, 2008
Thursday the 16 of October, 2008
Wednesday the  5 of November, 2008
Thursday the 20 of November, 2008
Wednesday the  3 of December, 2008
Thursday the 18 of December, 2008

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