[Nottingham] Linux webcam?

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Tue Jul 22 22:36:20 BST 2008

Martin wrote:
> Folks,
> Onto the "what webcam for Linux" question again...
> Anyone with any recent recommendations?

OK, so I've been experimenting with a cheapie CMOS 640x480 webcam and...

Mmmm... It works but the sensor has rather a small dynamic range and
suffers purple fringing on the image for very bright areas. Not quite
got the microphone working even though it is detected. Pulseaudio is
unhappy about there being no "Mic mixer control" for it...

Without further ado:

OK, so any Linux compatible CCD webcams to be had?

Or are there any cheapie CMOS types that give a decent photo-quality image?

I don't care much about fps. Just one snapshot a second will do and just
a decent image at 1024x768 or better! Possible?

Any suggestions?

This is for Mandriva with the 2.6.24 kernel.


Martin Lomas
martin at ml1.co.uk

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