[Nottingham] Pretty foodie torture?

ForkBombFluf fluf at freeshell.org
Wed Jul 30 11:06:58 BST 2008

On Wed, 30 Jul 2008, Martin wrote:

> The *Pretty Orchid foodie social* is indeed next week.
> Just for the sake of consistency, it's on the first Wed of the month
> which is next month for this installment (being as we're still in this
> month still). Good to check :-)

It was the "in one month" statement made on 3rd July that confused me, 
that would have put it on this Sunday, which I knew wasn't the case.  And 
I never can remember if it's Wednesdays or Thursdays since there's been 
some alteration between these at times.

But we shall assume 1st Weds of each month from now on, unless (very) 
explicity stated otherwise.

> Sorry for the brief interruption in service.

No problem.  Sorry it all unclogged and splattered around in the end!

> (Whee... No activity for /weeks/ and then a flurry on the three days the
> system is offline!)

Don't it always seem to go, that you don't know what you've got 'till it's 
gone... (tra la la!)

> Sorry #2 for no Blue Moon beers... It was too hot!

Too hot for BEER???

> Well, that's my excuse...

You've done better than that before.  You're slipping. :-P

> See ya folks for the social next week.

With any luck, assuming we've recovered from the weekend.

See you,


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