[Nottingham] USB dial up modem

Alex Walker alex at x3ja.co.uk
Thu Oct 2 09:20:46 UTC 2008

On Wed, 01 Oct 2008 13:01:42 +0100, Martin <martin at ml1.co.uk> wrote:
> Unless you do have one that is already fully supported, a £10 rs232
> stand-alone full modem is far easier and will just simply work.

Or you can have a free rs232 one from me for free (listed on
freecycle/realcycle), but no-one wanted it), but it might be a bit more
bulky than you want to carry around, and of course, your laptop will need a
serial port, which might not be that common anymore... or a usb-serial
converter or something...

Failing which - anyone else want an external modem? It's a SupraExpress 56e
I think... was supposedly the best in it's day.


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