[Nottingham] Oh to float on a Cloud! (Scary?!)

Jason Liquorish jason at dropshock.com
Mon Feb 16 00:42:20 UTC 2009

Martin wrote:
> Folks,
> Have you seen where Microsoft Windows has gone now?!
> Good OS Announces Cloud Operating System
> http://telecommunicationnews.net/2008/12/good-os-announces-cloud-operating-system/
> (Note where the Windows icon is...)
> And there's also Netbooks, and Android (PDAs/phones), and...
> So... What happens when Linux jumps up in market share?...
> Cheers,
> Martin
Am I missing something? Is that not just an operating system released by 
the gOS guys that can then load Windows (hence the Windows logo in the 
dock). It does not seem to have much to do with Microsoft themselves 
apart from the fact that it can boot into Windows once "Cloud" has loaded.

Jason Liquorish - <jason at dropshock.com>

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