[Nottingham] Axim PDAs for sale

Christopher Joice linuxisthefuture at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 20:26:54 UTC 2009

Apologies for the misuse of this forum, but I thought you guys may be

I have these two fine little devices which need a good home!
Dell Axim X30 with case, mains power and USB sync cables.
Dell Axim X5 with case, mains power, USB sync cables and dock.

Both in full working order, hardly a mark on 'em, I don't have original
boxes though. Could be an interesting project for someone?

I'm wondering if anyone could donate £20 ONO to my student hardship/beer
fund for each?
I'm open to negotiation, but paid £40 for each device originally.

Easiest if you reply direct to me if you're interested.
Thanks for putting up with the spam if you're not!

Christopher Joice
"May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house."
-- George Carlin
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