[Nottingham] What has Linux done for you?

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Tue Jun 16 18:15:29 UTC 2009

Martin wrote:
> Folks,
> To paraphrase a certain (in)famous phrase from The Life of Brian[1], 
> here's a possibly interesting article on the place of Open Source in the 
> real world:
> How Open Source Can Beat the Status Quo
> http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/166551/how_open_source_can_beat_the_status_quo.html
> ... Or can it?

Errr... Perhaps not if the UK is committed to blundering onwards with a 
mere 2Mbps over ADSL for "broadband"... Staying with such old slow 
technology, Google's Cloud Computing may as well evaporate :-(


Whatever happened to optical fibre to the home?

> (I suspect that a certain big vendor will simply recolour it's spots and 
> lead people up a garden path to lock them into "open sauces" (garden) 
> forks...)
> So what has Linux done for you?
> Initially for myself, it was an 'obvious' route to avoid the silliness 
> with anti-virus and (the lack of) security with the OS I was using at 
> the time. Linux also offered unix-style preemptive multitasking and 
> threads, both not available at the time on that certain other 'OS'. The 
> zero licence fee was very good also. Since then, lots of friendly fun!
> Cheers,
> Martin
> [1]: See 
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monty_Python%27s_Life_of_Brian#Political_satire

Martin Lomas
martin at ml1.co.uk

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