[Nottingham] Linux, GNU, HURD, and now... Valix

Jim Moore jmthelostpacket at googlemail.com
Thu Oct 8 14:38:13 UTC 2009

Martin wrote:
> Jim Moore wrote:
> [---]
>> should be possible, x86 is essentially a RISC chip with CISC extended 
>> instructions bolted on... how difficult would it be to ignore the 
>> hardcoded CISC extensions? (I'm asking, I'm not a lernel programmer or a 
>> programmer of any sort for that matter!)
> Can we dive into the x86 microcode to get to the RISC bits?...
> Now /that/ would be geekie!
> Cheers,
> Martin


just discovered that RISC OS as it stands right now only runs natively 
on ARM processors (which were designed around the OS and not the other 
way round like x86 was), it's not possible to run native on x86 because 
of that pesky microcode that the processor relies on to be able to 
translate instructions of varying sizes (RISC architecture mandates 
instruction packets that are exactly the same size).

There is a Unix-based platform called "Risc OS" which isn't even a 
lookalike, which runs on x86 but not ARM, and is not developed by Acorn, 
Pace, or Castle Computers (which now owns the rights to the A7000 RISC 
architecture and the Acorn brand). That's all I know about that...

next dumb question: is there a portable version of RISC OS available for 
use with handheld, touchscreen hardware? Example: Dell Axim X5

Are more people violently opposed to wearing fur than leather because it's easier to harass rich women than motorcycle gangs? 

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