[Nottingham] Vast speedup of firefox!

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Fri Mar 5 12:16:08 UTC 2010


As mentioned at the talk last night, I've greatly speeded up firefox on
my netbook by running firefox with all it's files in a ramdisk. The
trick is:

Mount your user ~/tmp as tmpfs:

For example as root in /etc/fstab set:

tmpfs /home/martin/tmp tmpfs defaults 0 0

(and mount it if you've just set it.)


cd ~
mv .mozilla .mozilla.old
ln -s tmp/.mozilla .mozilla
cp -a .mozilla.old tmp/.mozilla

and then start up firefox as normal.

Last thing before shutdown you then need to:

cd ~
cp -auf tmp/.mozilla/* .mozilla.old

So... All you experts out there, where is best to put a little script to
do that automatically on a user logging in?

That is, on login:

cd ~
cp -a .mozilla.old tmp/.mozilla

and on logout:

cd ~
cp -auf tmp/.mozilla/* .mozilla.old

(Perhaps that "cp -auf" should be an "rsync --delete" to avoid old files

Note: That must not happen for subsequent logins or prior logouts whilst
playing in a terminal window!

Any ideas for how to best neatly to do that?


Martin Lomas
martin at ml1.co.uk

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