[Nottingham] Free 26" CRT TV

James Holland modestforagenius at gmail.com
Sun May 9 18:45:45 UTC 2010

Sorry if this is spam, but the mailing list has been fairly quiet recently.
Getting a new TV next week. Was going to post my old one on Freecycle but if
anyone wants this first they can come and pick it up.
I'm getting rid of an excellent condition CRT TV.
The visible screen size is just over 26".
Ratio is 4:3
Brand is Toshiba.

Only thing wrong with it is the front flap doesn't close, so the
channel-change buttons etc are always visible. You could try and fix it, or
snap it off if you wanted.
It has 2 SCART inputs at the back; both work. It has an analogue aerial
input at the back; this hasn't been tested. It has fairly good speakers, and
a headphone port at the front. It also has a composite port at the front
(the one with the three individually coloured ports)

If anyone wants to pick it up next week, please email me (
modestforagenius at gmail.com) and I'll let you know my address, and we can
arrange a time.
Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more
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