[Nottingham] NLUG new website: Comments #02

Mat Booth mbooth at fedoraproject.org
Wed Oct 13 11:45:02 UTC 2010

On 12 October 2010 23:02, Martin <martin at ml1.co.uk> wrote:
> On 12/10/10 18:28, Mat Booth wrote:
>> On 12 October 2010 18:06, Martin <martin at ml1.co.uk> wrote:
>>> Folks,
>>> After a few days to play and muse, my thoughts are:
>>>>> http://nlug.c25.eu/
>>> I very much like the idea of a new custom Wordpress theme for our group
> [---]
>>> Good design for keeping simple and clear.
>>> Are there colours that aid power saving on LED monitors or laptops?
>>> What is the minimum feature set that we want?
>>> I think the must haves are:
> [---]
>>>>> http://nottlug.blogspot.com/
>>> Looks like the sort of standard panels available from a number of
> [---]
>>>>> http://nlug.wp.ml1.co.uk/
>>> This was just a first try "quick look-see" that worked far better than I
>>> was expecting. Good clean theme but...
> [---]
>> I'm afraid I like the high-contrast, green-on-black one the least. The
>> other two don't really offend me at all ;-)
> Non-offending is a very good start!
>> Tangentially: About bloggy-type features of the CMS...
>> Are you thinking that the NLUG site would be a blog in and of itself
>> where members of the LUG can post LUG/Linux/OSS related items?
> I wasn't but /could/ be. I'd rather the site be a blog and events list
> purely for and about /NLUG/ ...

That's fine, I was just curious what the intended use for it is. :-)

> I think a links page to other sites for members blogs would be a very
> good idea.
> I hope people can contribute for the group for 'technical' and 'how-to'
> pages so that it becomes a useful everyday resource for all things Linux
> and computing.
>> Is it possible to aggregate externally hosted LUG members' blogs so
>> that they appear in the same feed as the main NLUG blog? [1]
>> [1] Like what PlanetPlanet does: http://www.planetplanet.org/
> If that can be put in, yes. If Wordpress doesn't already support that,
> then I'm sure we can hack the php!
> Cheers,
> Martin

Mat Booth

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