No subject
Tue Feb 22 18:54:42 UTC 2011
> Anyone know of how to, or any utilities, that can take a single frame
> snapshot from a webcam *without* having the webcam running
> continuously?
> That is: How can you use one of the new fangled HD-quality webcams as
> a 'camera'?
> (This is also to get around the problem that you cannot use multiple
> HD webcams on one USB2 hub...)
OK, so a work-around is to use "vgrabbj" in a script to poll each
/dev/videoX in turn to grab a single image at a time. It works but is
rather slow at about two seconds per single image grab.
That's fine if nothing moves between samples, but that's hardly fast
enough to do anything like "bullet time" effects!
The 2 seconds per webcam image grab is just about fast enough for what
I'm needing, but there must be something faster... (There's only so
many times I want to go for a brew!)
Any ideas other than expanding my PC with one USB2 root hub per
webcam? (For which I don't have enough physical slots :-( )
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