[Nottingham] [Talk] Wednesday 06/04/2011 Computer Forensics – A Case Study

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Thu Mar 31 16:57:40 UTC 2011


Wednesday 06/04/2011:

Computer Forensics – A Case Study

Here we welcome a (the?) leading expert for this area for the bits and
bytes of some determined sleuthing enough to make you go cross-eyed
and give even Sherlock Homes a good run for elucidating the story from
the sub-micron sized magnetic minutiae of some iron-alloy powder...
Could even be added as a good novel in itself! ;-)

All at our new venue:

Fellows Morton & Clayton

54 Canal St,
Nottingham, NG1 7EH

0115 9506795

Meet 7:30pm
Talk 8:00pm
Further discussions 9:30pm onwards

Find us at the back above the restaurant area. Ask the friendly bar
staff if lost.

Small donation or free beer welcomed for the speaker's travel from afar :-)

All welcome,


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