[Nottingham] A second wireless router, a switch or something else?

Jason Irwin jasonirwin73 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 8 00:52:01 UTC 2011

So I've got this new mini-server and that makes number 5 on my network.
 Guess how many Ethernet ports a VirginMedia SuperHub has?  Yup - 4.  So
I think my options are:
1) Buy a second WiFi router with more than 4 ports and throw the
SuperHub into modem-mode...
2) Buy a network switch (standard Netgear 8-port jobbie, or similar)...
3) Something else?

Option 2 seems easiest/cheapest (it may also solve a few potential
issues with cabling as I'd only need one with from the SuperHub to the
switch).  As I'd like to run Amahi on the server I'd need to disable
DHCP and give Amahi as the DNS entry.  I'm just 100% not sure option 2
is viable or if I am missing something obvious/critical as I'm a bit of
a networking dunce.

I'm also kicking around the idea of VPN, OwnCloud and a few other
things.  Hmm...VPN and networking dunce; a winning combination!

It will also be interesting to see how hard it is to convince the Virgin
engineer to move the cable box from its current, idiotic location.

And that reminds me, how hard is it to roll yer own cables?  I think
it'll be easier to buy a reel and knock my own up, rather than play
"guess how for from the store room to the office".

Note: Amazon have those Seagate 2TBs back in, but they're one per customer.

Jason Irwin

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