[Nottingham] Linux number of forwarded net connections limit

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Wed Oct 12 12:54:45 UTC 2011

On 12 October 2011 13:43, Jason Irwin <jasonirwin73 at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 12/10/11 13:26, Martin wrote:
>>> Would a cheaper and more practical solution be to just buy a new ADSL modem?
>> Yes...
>> Except their service provider insists on only using the supplied box,
>> or thout shall suffer Hell and Damnation...
> Hang on.  Is this Virgin?  And if so, do you actually mean their ADSL
> network (National Broadband I think it's called) or their cable network?

Nope. A cheapie ISP piggy-backed on BT lines.

> If it's the ADSL, you should be able to chuck on whatever router you want.

I would very much expect so. It then comes down to EULAs, freedoms,
and the particular user too scared/unknowing to go 'illegal'...

So... Only 'pirates' with 'contraband hardware' get a decent
service?... And then there are still the unreliable vagaries of
ADSL... (Should never have been allowed! :-( )

Aside: To be fair, some of the restrictions are to supposedly try to
ease the help and support lines so that a script can be read verbatim
by an operative in some remote call centre to 'fix' things on known
hardware... But then, all that is needed is a disclaimer to allow you
to do your own thing with your own hardware but without the call
centre support...


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