[Nottingham] UK Government Open Standards Consultation

David Aldred davidaldred at gmail.com
Fri Apr 20 10:39:08 UTC 2012

Just a couple of points:

- I'd never link to a blog in a message to politicians or civil servants
without summarising it.  Don't make them do anything remotely complicated
or time consuming like actually clicking on a link and appraising the key
messages of a blog article and its associated comments themselves!

-  The link immediately  above which you say 'if the following is to be
believed' seems to be pointing to a comment which doesn't exist (or
possibly to the comment entry box on the article, I've not spent long
enough analysing the HTML to be sure), not to the top of the article
itself.  That's just going to confuse them!

David Aldred

On 20 April 2012 11:07, Barry Drake <ubuntu-advertising at gmx.com> wrote:

> On 17/04/12 14:44, Jason Irwin wrote:
>> Seems the UK government is asking people what they think of the proposed
>> "open" standards.
> Below is an e-mail that I have sent to openstandards at digital.cabinet-**
> office.gov.uk <openstandards at digital.cabinet-office.gov.uk> with a copy
> to Francis Maude MP at psfrancismaude at cabinet-office.**gsi.gov.uk<psfrancismaude at cabinet-office.gsi.gov.uk> I have also written to my local MP.  Just a thought but some of you might
> want to do something similar.
> Dear Sirs,  I have been very concerned for some time about this issue
> and did manage to attend one of the consultation sessions two years
> ago.  My concern is currently over the heavy handed - almost bullying -
> approach that seems to be employed by large commercial interests.  In
> particular Microsoft who seem to be using closed-standards to protect their
> interests and limit users to their software.  An example of this is in the
> way in
> which ITC in schools has degenerated into teaching of the use of
> Microsoft's own products and no other.
> If the following is to be believed, then I think we have great cause for
> concern about this issue.  Please see:
> http://blogs.computerworlduk.**com/open-enterprise/2012/04/**
> how-microsoft-lobbied-against-**true-open-standards-i/index.**
> htm#comment-500786703<http://blogs.computerworlduk.com/open-enterprise/2012/04/how-microsoft-lobbied-against-true-open-standards-i/index.htm#comment-500786703>
> and also:
> http://www.computerweekly.com/**blogs/public-sector/2012/04/**
> proprietary-lobby-triumphs-in.**html<http://www.computerweekly.com/blogs/public-sector/2012/04/proprietary-lobby-triumphs-in.html>
> Kind regards,        Barry.
> --
> Barry Drake is a member of the the Ubuntu Advertising team.
> http://ubuntuadverts.org/
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