[Nottingham] dnsmasq ad-block exception

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Sun Jun 17 12:53:11 UTC 2012

On 17/06/12 13:30, Jason Irwin wrote:
> On 17/06/12 13:20, Martin wrote:
>> Aside #2: Would you get faster web page loading if you /did/ always
>> serve up a dummy page/response for all blocked sites rather than having
>> the lookup address pointing to an ignored address?
> I mostly see the block done in conjunction pixel-serv (or whatever it's
> called) that returns a 1x1 gif for the blocked content.

Nahh... That's too boring. Set up a fun random selection of icons to
show what adverts have been swatted/obliterated :->

Mmmm... To be tested :-)


ps: Do you not mean "png" rather than the evil gif?

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