[Nottingham] signing a key

Jason Irwin jasonirwin73 at gmail.com
Sun May 13 14:25:11 UTC 2012

On 13/05/12 15:10, Jason Irwin wrote:
> Once I get a signed key back from someone as an .asc - what do I do?
> I assume I need to import the signed public part into GPA, which I have
> done.
> Do I also need to import it into OpenPGP?  When I tried that it refused
> to update.

I am not sure is OpenPGP and GPA are using the same pool of keys (I
think they are) but if you right click the key in OpenPGP you can view
the signatures.  I can't find anyway of doing that in GPA, nor does
there appear to be any way to get GPA to refresh the keys.

So the basic steps seem to be
1. Get someone to sign your public key and email it back to you
2. Import that signed public key into OpenPGP
3. Upload your key from OpenPGP to multiple keyservers.

Jason Irwin

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