[Nottingham] Roll up, roll up, for what's next at NLUG...

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Thu May 17 20:55:17 UTC 2012

Hash: SHA1

On 17/05/12 21:40, david at gbenet.com wrote:
> As for Caroline - its Carolyn - and am thinking of giving her a
> Linux LUbuntu laptop! Just to make her happy. Yes she enjoyed her
> night out - she was quite flattered by all the attention -and the
> guy that asked if she was Jackie!!!

I wasn't too far off then! :-)

Shame the rest of us were far too scary for her random suitor... :-P
Quite a giggle :-)

> She thought that TJ was a little hard done by - the distribution of
> costs was a little unfair as he did not eat or drink as much as
> anyone else.I think she thinks we are a little geeky ...

So only a /little geekie/ ?...

For TJ, I'm sure we can redistribute some beers/cider on the next
social ;-)

> I  am going to copy all the crypto pdfs I've got to my web site -
> that way people can just download what they want.

All ok for redistribution?

Dreaming of keys and key signing and crypto...


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