[Nottingham] Earthing (Was: Apple Macs (and WiFi interference))

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Fri Nov 16 18:31:39 UTC 2012

> structure). It's not a good idea, in my opinion, to mix passive earthing
> (line circuits and water mains) with bleed earthing (groundplanes and
> lightning conductors), since at the moment of leakage the entire bus is
> live and with no passive leakage circuit breakers to isolate equipment
> that equipment bears the entire force. In case of a lightning strike
> this has the potential to destroy computer equipment. Concrete
> foundations and pilings are *not* adequate earthing materials - which is

I agree.

> Bottom line: if in any doubt whatsoever, drive a spike and connect it to
> the earth bus.

My thoughts also...



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