[Nottingham] “Talk is cheap. Show me the code.”

Mike Martin mike at redtux.org.uk
Wed Nov 28 11:43:38 UTC 2012

On 28 November 2012 11:09, Jason Irwin <jasonirwin73 at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 27/11/12 12:52, Andy White wrote:
>> In essence, then, linux is running (being the kernel, the important part) the
>> other stuff which you care about?  How is it that linux is not running vast
>> swathes of the internet?
> Below the kernel is the hardware.  To apply your argument further, we
> might as well says Intel runs the Internet.
>> What do you really object to in the article?
> What I object to, I guess, is the idea that Linux does everything
> including making bacon...but it doesn't.  It provides hardware access.
> The applications do everything else and (for whatever reason) they are
> continually overshadowed by the kernel.
> Maybe RMS was contagious...is there an antidote?
> Actually, is that an idea for a talk?  "Unsung heroes of GNU/Linux"?
> Commands, tools, applications etc that are pretty essential but seem to
> be largely ignored.
> I'm not volunteering, I have nothing like the level of knowledge or
> experience to pull that one off.
> J.

Basically "Linux" has provided an ecosystem for free software to
coalesce around, drawing in loads of things that are not specific to
linux, BUT are generally part of a major distro, such as apache, perl
,mySQL, perl/Python.

Tbh "linux" is probably a better term for the result than RMS favoured
GNU/Linux as off the top my head the following items which probably
most people regard as core are not GNU

perl/python (depending on distro)

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