[Nottingham] [Talk] *TUESDAY* 04/12/2012: A Topical Treat

Andy Beale m1eai at mac.com
Fri Nov 30 19:49:46 UTC 2012

Er Martin, 

I did mail you and said I didn't need that day any more!


On 30 Nov 2012, at 19:49, Martin wrote:

> Folks,
> Note the change of day...
> *TUESDAY* 04/12/2012: A Topical Treat
> http://nottingham.lug.org.uk/event/a-topical-treat
> ... And... Our next meeting is NEIGH upon us!! On a TUESDAY!
> Exclaimations aside, we’re meeting up on a Tuesday to interleave with
> the Skeptics who are now meeting up on our more usual Wednesday.
> This session will be an evening for *all and any topical topics*
> I’ve got a few ideas and questions for “Christmas Goodies” for various
> geekie gadgets and Linux. Climate Change and what is or isn’t being done
> about it is rather topical at the moment before we ‘quickly’ shift our
> entire planet to be tropical or worse. And what is it that is GNU and
> Linux and what should we call what? And what else?!
> So without further ado, all at our usual down to earth venue:
> (on *Tuesday* )
> Fellows Morton and Clayton
> 54 Canal Street
> Nottingham, NG1 7EH
> See ya there!
> All welcome,
> Cheers,
> Martin
> -- 
> - ------------------ - ----------------------------------------
> -    Martin Lomas    - OpenPGP (GPG/PGP) Public Key: 0xCEE1D3B7
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Andrew Beale
m1eai at mac.com

It is a wonderful, marvellous universe, filled with science we are still trying to understand and because we don’t understand it, people mistake it for magic.  As scientist it is our job to describe the magic and give it equations and give it math and give graphs and give it computer models and be able to basically beat the things into a bloody pulp of understanding.
Dr Pamela Gay – Astronomer 

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