[Nottingham] Free geeky stuff

Jason Irwin jasonirwin73 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 3 22:15:55 UTC 2013

Having a clear out (again) got some stuff folks may want:

1) Edimax G wireless PMCIA card.  Works flawlessly with GNU/Linux.

2) Belkin G wireless USB-dongle and stand.  Should work with GNU/Linux.

3) AverMedia DVB-T SD TV receiver.  Works with GNU/Linux.
(aerial, cables, remote and Windows install disc too)

4) And the best for last, a USB 3.5" floppy drive with disc.  Does not
work with GNU/Linux, just with other OSs.

First come, first served for those lovely bit of junk...err...artefacts
or they're landfill.

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