[Nottingham] Computerphile

Sean Riley (computerphile) sr at boardie.com
Thu May 30 11:16:19 UTC 2013


I met Michael E at the hackspace and have been talking to him about the 
Nottingham LUG with regards the Computerphile youtube channel which I'm 
making videos for (one of Brady Haran's youtube channels)

I'd really be interested in getting some videos made specifically about 
Linux. Would anyone care to help me out?

Thanks in advance!

Feel free to email
     sr at boardie.com
     07814 505857
or reply on list as I'm now subscribed!

I look forward to hearing from you


Sean Riley
p.s. I have a half-baked idea about converting my old laptop to linux 
(its a 2006 model running XP Media Centre) because it rarely gets used 
due to being so ahem, slow - maybe this would make a film in itself?

Freelance Shoot/Edit videographer and film-maker
Currently working on www.youtube.com/computerphile

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