[Nottingham] BT internet

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Wed Sep 4 10:04:05 UTC 2013

On 04/09/13 10:23, T.J long thing wrote:
> ‎Hi all,
> I was just wondering if any one else is having internet problems in the
> nottinghamshire area. Even interested in slow internet conntections

All fine for the various links that I look after including Zen on a BT
ADSL line...

What you suffering?

Reboot the modem?

And note that BT Openreach are wiring up their ADSL "Infinity" injection
boxes in our area... Are you getting your wires tapped nearby?

(Don't ya just love the BT marketing for very old tech... :-( )

Good luck,

ps: Had an interesting discussion about ducting... Nope, the old copper
is not going to be replaced by fibre. The existing metal stuff stays
there blocking up all the ducts regardless of any optical fibre getting
added... (Sounds just like old telephone poles, they never get removed
either :-( )

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