[Nottingham] Linux install instructions for first-time Windows converts?
martin at ml1.co.uk
Sun Sep 22 19:43:44 UTC 2013
To avoid reinventing the installations wheel, and yet not suffer
something distro-specific (nor ESR's treatise[1] listed on TLDP from
over a DECADE ago)...
Are there any good friendly distro-agnostic install instructions for
Linux that are easily readable and easily followed?
Also something that lists the different ways to install from such as
CD/DVD, or USB-memory stick, or from a Live-distro, or even from over
the net? (Should include how to get/burn/copy the distro image.)
Anyone know of any good examples?
Anyone game for getting such an entry up on Wikipedia?!
(Software Freedom Day 'n' all that ;-) )
[1]: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Installation-HOWTO/index.html
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