[Nottingham] Box appearing on screen

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Sat Sep 28 14:48:24 UTC 2013

On 28/09/13 13:16, James Green wrote:
> On 28 September 2013 12:58, Ron Wilton wrote:
>> A box has started to appear and disappear (apparently randomly) in the
>> centre of the screen while using Ubuntu.
>> It scrolls through system settings such as brightness, horizontal Position,
>> etc. but I am unable to control it. It mentions Ver: 1.05GRA for which I can
>> find nothing through Google.
> This sounds an awful lot like a monitor settings thing. The buttons on
> the front panel of your monitor will usually control it -- it's got
> nothing to do with the operating system, which doesn't know it's there

I agree... It sounds like (looks like? ;-) ) a display dialog that is
superimposed onto the screen by the clever electronics in your monitor.

Are there any control buttons on the monitor that are being
pushed/disturbed by something brushing against them?

Might you have a lead too loosely plugged into the monitor?

Or is the video lead loose into the computer?

Or even some remote control switching input channels?

(Or a cat chewed the cables??! Has happened!!... And nope, not my cat.)

Hope that gives you a few clues.

Let us know what you find,

Good luck!

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-    Martin Lomas    - OpenPGP (GPG/PGP) Public Key: 0xCEE1D3B7
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