[Nottingham] Anyone tried/using: "Cloud" NAS boxes...

Jason Irwin jasonirwin73 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 1 08:23:41 UTC 2014

On 01/08/14 01:49, Duncan wrote:
> There's an unofficial HP bios update for these boxes (I might still
> have it floating around somewhere) which enables full speed on the
> CD-ROM bay interface to make it 5 disks.
Now that is sexy.

> Mine has 16GB RAM,  1 SSD boot disk (in the CD-drive bay)
> + 2x1TB + 2x1.5TB. It also runs quiet and uses ~40W.
Yeah, they're not RasPi low-energy, but they're bloody good.

I thought the upper limit was 8GB? Does the BIOS update raise it to 16GB?

I boobed and bought the wrong discs (low-energy "green") for my RAID1.
Not gone wrong yet, but live and learn.

Have to keep an eye-out for the cash-back offer appearing again.

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