[Nottingham] SSD upgrade

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Tue Feb 11 12:56:07 UTC 2014

On 11/02/14 12:39, Jason Irwin wrote:
> On 11/02/14 12:31, Duncan wrote:
>> Assuming the list allows through attachments...
>> I've attached the perl script I use to work out partition alignments
>> and spit out the "parted" commands needed to create them.
>> I've added lots of comments to try and help but shout if they don't.
> It does, I shall give it a read. Thanks
>> For my 840 pro I started my partitions at 16MiB
> See, that's one thing I totally don't get; why do the partition have to
> start after the start of the disc?

That is to allow for alignment after the partition table.

The 'unused' space can actually be used by such as grub. I 'allocate'
that gap ( *unaligned* if need be) for use with such as the BIOS UEFI
partition or for /boot on the assumption that a few read-modify-writes
for block erase by the SSD for that area will be insignificant wear-out.

Look through my given example.

The 256k erase blocks are typical of the "pro" (real "pro" not Marketing
add-random-letters 'pro').

Regardless, assuming a 16MiB will cover all bases and can't hurt.

Also... All this becomes moot if you have a recent clever drive that
does block remapping for its internals... Still, keeping things aligned
should help with performance.

> I'm going to ask Samsung again - them not knowing how they put their own
> drive together is ridiculous.

Read my ramble from a few years ago from when I was embarking on this.
It is all a game of "proprietary", the silly secretive scumbags.

Rather than waste time with Marketing games and ignorance, just assume
16MiB or if you're really keen, pull off the covers and look up the
flash chip numbers... :-)

(Must put in a bug report about the gdisk partition size rounding...)

Have fun!

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