[Nottingham] NLUG & Hackspace (Re: Electromagnetic Field 2014: Call for Participation)

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Tue Jul 8 15:43:24 UTC 2014


Good to have you on the list.

There is good cross-over for what we do. We do use a lot of electronics
and 'made-thingies' for computing. Unless that is you go Babbage-style
or Turing-theoretic-style or recreate Logopolis! ;-)

There's lots of scope for added interest.

Similarly so, the Hackspace people are very welcome over at our meetups
on Thursdays. (We might even get ahead to give more than a few days
notice of what we're spontaneously doing! :-) )

Good to keep in touch and connected.

Note that we certainly like our beers (hence the venue) but non-beer
drinking people are equally very welcome!

And 'tis good that Nottingham supports a few good geekie groups. There
may be hope for high tech yet!

Speaking of which:

Our next talk is on making and controlling your own garage fusion
reactor. And on why the "big boys" are using different much more
heavyweight tech instead. (There's only one medical source reactor using
this tech that I know of.)

Note, this is NOT one for your kitchen table for obvious reasons!!!

All welcome,


On 08/07/14 15:03, dennis.furr at gmail.com wrote:
> I’ve been semi-involved with the Nottingham LUG for a few years but you
> don’t normally hear from me.  I’ve recently become involved with
> Nottinghack, a hacker/maker club/organisation and wonder if there isn’t
> some common ground.  Do you want to use a laser cutter?  How about
> working on Arduino projects?  Maybe we can start some interest in
> Beaglebone Black?  They have an electronics space for the hardware folks.
> We have Open Hack Nights every Wednesday starting at 18:30 until folks
> leave.  If your interested in this I’ll make a point of being at the NH
> studio on 9/7 for the Open Hack and it would be my privilege to show you
> the facility.
> For more information please look at nottinghack.org.uk.
> Denny
> *From:* Jason Irwin
> *Sent:* ‎Tuesday‎, ‎8‎ ‎July‎ ‎2014 ‎08‎:‎21
> *To:* nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
> On 07/07/14 20:01, Jonty Wareing wrote:
>> Electromagnetic Field (EMF) is a volunteer-run non-profit maker/hacker
>> camping festival in the UK.
> I know some people from Nottingham Hackspace are going, so there'll be a
> few friendly faces about.
> From things I've seen, EMF looks freakin' awesome.
> -- 
> ╔═════════════╦══════════════════════════════════════════╗
> ║ Jason Irwin ║ OpenPGP (GPG/PGP) Public Key: 0xD0C592B1 ║
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- ------------------ - ----------------------------------------
-    Martin Lomas    - OpenPGP (GPG/PGP) Public Key: 0xCEE1D3B7
- martin @ ml1 co uk - Import from   hkp://subkeys.pgp.net   or
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