[Nottingham] Modern day DemoScene...

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Fri May 30 23:50:16 UTC 2014

On 29/05/14 16:29, Martin wrote:
> Reminds me of much more creative days where at least you got some 
> technology busting DemoScene wizardry to push the technology into
> the fabulous beyond and all on less than 64kBytes!
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demoscene
> Who needs 640k?... :-/
> And this today is on multi GHz multi core CPU superpower and
> 200Mbit/s internet... Phah!

For a very geekie giggle: A little of the DemoScene today:

Revision 2013 - PC 64K Intro Competition

Highly impressive for a mere 64kBytes of code and lots of maths.

That all makes a certain bloated proprietary document program dump
format look rather silly!

As for 640k...?

Revision 2013 - PC Demo Competition


All good fun!


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