[Nottingham] Silly big attachments in ownCloud *Calendars*

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Thu Nov 27 10:44:15 UTC 2014

Hash: SHA1

On 27/11/14 10:34, Jason Irwin wrote:
> On 27/11/14 10:18, Martin wrote:
>> Yep, rather good and sweet indeed. Also good to avoid abusing
>> the email system.
> Well, outlook.com can do this but only with OneDrive (nee
> SkyDrive).

For myself, I think I'll not be tempted by that spider's parlour.

In any case, some sense of sensible security has to be maintained.
Also, ownCloud is holding up rather well.

> The Official MS documents give loads of manual suggestions: 
> https://support.office.com/en-gb/article/Send-large-files-to-other-people-7005da19-607a-47d5-b2c5-8f3982c6cc83?ui=en-US&rs=en-GB&ad=GB
>  Then there's Hightail (was Yousendit)
> https://www.hightail.com/applications They have an Outlook
> integration.
> Checking out Hightail alternatives gives these: 
> http://alternativeto.net/software/yousendit/ (http://www.osalt.com/
> had nothing)
> It would take a bit more digging to find a F/OSS alt with an
> Outlook plug-in, but some options exist. There's got to be a F/OSS
> one. If not - hire a dev to write it! :-D

Thanks for those. Will have a giggle over lunch.

- From my recent experience, I'm left wondering whether Outlook is
deliberately crippled for anything other than using only the Microsoft
MAPI... All a game of a cripple-ware tease?...

All silly fun!


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