[Nottingham] Silly big attachments in ownCloud *Calendars*

Jason Irwin jasonirwin73 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 27 10:47:13 UTC 2014

On 27/11/14 10:34, Jason Irwin wrote:
> There's got to be a F/OSS one. If not - hire a dev to write it! :-D
Seek and ye shall find:

Also http://apps.owncloud.com/content/show.php/?content=158006
That almost certainly requires updating/forking and I don't think it's
quite what you want

You are not alone: http://forum.owncloud.org/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=2819
Maybe some clues here?

How's about baking OC into Outlook a bit deeper?
It's not automagic, but a definite improvement and recent posts seem to
show it being a bit buggy.

Right, how's my load test doing....

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